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Why Fitness As A New Parent Is A Must...

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in someone’s life. Your heart is filled with joy, happiness and unconditional love. It can be a short opportunity to relax, stay home, see family and enjoy your bundle of joy. But, for any of us who have had children, we know having a baby is tough!! A lot of the things we took for granted before having a baby now seem so out of reach. From sleeping, going out for dinner, spending time with friends, or just leaving the house on a whim, all of these and more become challenging and can even feel impossible. There is also the stress of being a new parent and everyday doubting what you are doing, lol. If you are the parent staying home with the new baby, this can also be a lonely time if you don’t have a lot of family or friends around for support. All of these factors can make that first year as a new parent a very difficult transition into your “new reality”. So what can we do to help all of this…..???

Whether or not you were a regular exerciser before you had your baby or not, finding a way to include regular exercise into your daily routine after you have the baby will help deal with a lot of the challenges that come with being a new parent. Here are some benefits that come from making exercise a part of your daily routine.

Increased energy level - Usually due to lack of consistent sleep, it can feel like you have no energy in those first few months. No amount of coffee can seem to get you going in the morning, because you have been awake since 4am, haha. Exercise has been proven to stimulate hormones, endorphins and is a natural pick me up. Once you complete a workout your day will seem a little brighter and your energy level will be at an increased gauge.

Quality of sleep - Although exercise cannot contribute to the amount of sleep you get, it will improve the quality of sleep and the speed at which you do fall asleep. Individuals who exercise regularly fall asleep faster at night, wake up less and sleep deeper than sedentary individuals. So, if you are getting limited sleep as is, you might as well make sure it’s quality sleep!

Sense of community - Due to the high level of demand, there are lot of opportunities for new parents; especially new moms; to become part of a community of new parents. Whether its mom & baby groups, circle times at your local library or community centre, or finding other moms in your area just to go for a walk with. Exercise is a part of this as well. You can find a variety of mom & baby bootcamps and most local gyms have child care opportunities. Finding a group of people to relate with, share experiences, vent and if possible get a workout in with can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Getting the body back - Some women are conscious of their body after having a child. Once they are cleared for exercise by their doctor, working out can increase the speed at which their body will return to its pre-pregnancy form. Even a lot of men will gain weight during their partners pregnancies so by including frequent workouts into their week, that should help them lose those pesky pounds they gained during the previous months.

Vital self care - At a time where it feels you are giving all your time, energy, and emotions to your new baby, it is vital to take care of yourself. Exercise is a great way to alleviate stress, detach from parenting for a short time and focus on yourself. You will come back a “better” parent after a workout and everyone benefits in the end.

Now that you know some of the benefits here are a few of my “best practices” for making this transition successful.

1. Schedule in your workouts daily - You are more likely to succeed in completing a workout if you have scheduled a set time for it. Whether it is first thing when you wake up, during your baby’s nap, or a scheduled gym time. The earlier in the day you can complete it, the more energy you will have the rest of the day. Don’t leave it until the end of the day, because odds are you won’t have the energy or motivation to make it happen after parenting all day and that time should be reserved for rest and relaxation.

2. Make sure you have a plan - Time is not on your side as a new parent, so when you do get time for a workout make sure you are ready. Having a set workout or program will make sure you make every minute count. If this is something you struggle with, take advantage of a bootcamp or use a personal trainer to make sure you are using your little bit of free time effectively.

3. Find the workout “for you” - If you find a workout style that you enjoy you are more likely to be consistent. As a new parent, everyday can start to feel like Groundhog Day at times, so it will give a new parent something extra to look forward to everyday. So, whether it’s a home workout, bootcamp at studio, going to the gym or even an outdoor walk or hike, if you enjoy and see the benefits of it, you will stick with it and reap the rewards.

As a parent of two young children I know exercising consistently from the time they were born has not only benefitted myself but my wife as well. It has improved our quality of personal life and family life as well. It also has helped pass the positive message of exercise onto my kids as well.

If you are a new parent and need help or guidance about fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule please contact me, I would love to help!

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